"breast implants can save lives"
A woman has survived being shot in the chest after her breast implants deflected the bullet from her heart.
The 30-year-old claims she didn't realise she was shot until she felt "heat and pain" in her chest and saw blood.
The implants were removed at the McLean Clinic in Missisauga, Ontario were she was also treated for a fractured rib.
Surgeons removed the woman's left implant which had a "bullet tract" that aligned with the entry wound but found no bullet
They later found that the bullet was located beneath the right breast.

SkyNews reported that Dr Giancarlo McEvenue said that the woman's left breast implant must have "deflected" the bullet from her heart and saved her life.
McEvenue said: "Clinical examination revealed a comfortable patient in no distress, with a single entry wound in the superior pole of the left breast…based on trajectory of bullet entry clinically and evaluation radiologically, the only source of bullet deflection of the bullet is the left breast implant.
"This implant overlies the heart and intrathoracic cavity and therefore likely saved the women's life."
He added: "Although rare, these observations lend support to the hypothesis that indeed breast implants can save lives."