Who's in the wrong here?

Anyone who knows anything about gaming will know how difficult it's been to get hold of a PlayStation 5.
But one husband and wife have been left furious at each other, after the husband bought himself the new console and his other half promptly gave it away.
The 35 year old woman took to Reddit to ask 'Am I the A**hole' for giving the console to her nephew because the husband dipped into the family's emergency fund for the purchase.
"The thing is he used my money to do so without my permission using a portion of my emergency savings that he had access to in case of you know, an emergency. Which I do not believe being able to get your hands on a new video game console classes as" she says.
And to be fair, she's probably right.
"This led to a huge argument and I took the console away and reboxed it up, I debated on returning it to the shop for the money but I know my sister has been struggling to find one for my 13 year old Nephew for over a year, so instead I wrapped it up and took it round to hers and put it under the tree and quietly explained what it was and what had happened, my sister then gave me the money for it."
The poster also reveals that both she and her husband put half their salaries into the emergency fund, but adds that while she saves, the husband constantly blows the other half of his salary and 'doesn't save a penny'.
The result of all this is that the husband is still sulking, and the wife withdrawing his access to the joint emergency fund.
Is he in the wrong for making the purchase?