Time to start moving EVERYTHING around

Ever feel like completely re-arranging your bedroom because something is off - even though you can't put your finger on it?
Well a new study shows the orientation of your bed, and some of your other furniture could actually affect both your physical and mental health.
A team from Maharishi International University looked at 40 years of research into the practice of Maharishi Vastu architecture (MVA).
They found that where certain objects are in a room affects the 'flow' or 'zen' of that room, impacting on everything from stress levels to quality of sleep and even mental health!
In a statement, author Jon Lipman, AIA, director of the Institute for Vedic Architecture at Maharishi International University said “We were surprised to find that something so ancient has so much to tell us about how buildings can improve our health and productivity,”
How do I know which way is the 'wrong' way?
The study says if your head faces to the south or east when you're sleeping, you're more likely to have a lower heart rate, blood pressure and cholesterol level.
According to StudyFinds.org "Meanwhile, people with homes that have an entrance facing south display poorer mental health and have more financial problems. Sounds like you may need to bring a compass the next time you’re looking to buy a house!"
It also affects your work performance - researchers found that facing east while you work leads to greater brain coherence and helps workers complete tasks faster.
Look's like we're heading out to buy a compass!