He told officers he was on his way to California to try to buy a Lamborghini.
A boy aged just five-years-old was pulled over by police in the US state of Utah yesterday (May 4th), after attempting to drive his parent's car to California to buy a Lamborgni.
One of our Troopers in Weber Co. initiated a traffic stop on what he thought was an impaired driver. Turns out it was this young man, age 5, somehow made his way up onto the freeway in his parents' car. Made it from 17th and Lincoln in Ogden down to the 25th St off-ramp SB I-15. pic.twitter.com/3aF1g22jRB
— Utah Highway Patrol (@UTHighwayPatrol) May 4, 2020
At first officers believed an impaired driver was behind the wheel.
"How old are you? You're 5 years old?" Trooper Rick Morgan says in dash camera footage of the traffic stop. "Wow ... Where did you learn to drive a car?"