Tesco's Annual Christmas Appea...


Tesco's Annual Christmas Appeal is back

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

01:02 30 Nov 2017

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Help make someone's Christmas better

Since 2014, Tesco’s annual Christmas Appeal has collected more than €400,000 worth of food for families doing it tough.

And the supermarket giant is hoping for a record haul in 2017, when the appeal returns on December 1st and 2nd.

Non-perishable items are the best things to donate, with items like: Tea-bags, biscuits, breakfast cereals and tinned goods at the top of the list.

And this year, the appeal has been extended to include things such as toiletries, nappies, clothes and toys. The basic kind of stuff we all need for everyday life.

It’s easy to get involved, simply check out the ‘shopping list’ of appropriate items to donate in store at your local Tesco.  Select an item or items from the shopping floor and donate it to the Christmas Appeal Trolley on your way out.

What it means...

Christine Heffernan, the Corporate Affairs Director of Tesco Ireland said the appeal is really important for everyone involved: ‘’Christmas is one of the happiest times of year for most families. For others however, it can be really difficult, local charitable organisations do a huge amount to help families in need during the season.’’

All of the items donated during the appeal will be given to 125-partner causes from the Tesco surplus food donations programme which is run in partnership with FoodCloud.

It doesn’t have to be much, but if as many people as possible can just give a little, it will mean a whole lot to families and individuals doing it tough this festive season.

So when you’re doing your weekly shop on December 1st or 2nd, take a moment to stop and think what you could give to make someone else’s Christmas a little better this year.

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