Public order offences in Irish...


Public order offences in Irish airports are on the rise


03:16 10 Mar 2019

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There's been an increase in the number of people detained at Irish airports for public order offences.

The Sunday Times reports Garda figures showing 40 people being held between January and September 2016.

That figure increased to 50 for the same period last year.

All but three of the arrests were in Dublin with the remaining arrests in Cork and Shannon.

They were for offences in the airports, crimes on planes landing in Ireland and for dangerous drunkenness.

Niall Shanahan from trade union Fórsa, which represents cabin crew from Aer Lingus and Ryanair, says staff need as much protection as possible:

"What we'd be very interested to know in Fórsa would be if this represents an increase in the level of enforcement and arrests in response to incidents, or if indeed it's an actual increase in incidences.

Either way it's a cause for concern."


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Airports Cork Dublin Forsa Niall Shanahan Shannon Sunday Times