It started back in 2015 with a single tweet...
sex is cool but have u ever had garlic bread
— pakalu papito (@pakalupapito) February 28, 2015
And ever since, people have been trying to list things that are 'better' than sex...
The rules are simple... It starts with ''Yeah sex is cool, but...'' then, it's open-slather!
It's always good for a sneaky laugh. Enjoy!
yeah sex is cool but have you ever stepped on a crunchy leaf
— chris melberger (@chrismelberger) November 28, 2017
100% satisfaction
yeah sex is cool but have you ever laid in your robe for 3 hours after a shower
— ryan (@yeetztweetz) December 5, 2017
Preaching to the choir buddy
Yeah sex is cool but have you ever closed 15 tabs after finishing a project
— daddy (@lifeofdaddy) November 29, 2017
The relief, unbeatable
yeah sex is cool but have you ever fantasized about an infrastructure renewal program funded by the taxes of billionaires
— jaboukie young-white (@jaboukie) December 5, 2017
Getting political up in here!
yeah sex is cool but have you ever tried crying in the fetal position in the shower when you’re hungover
— Leo Blake Carter ☻ (@LeoBlakeCarter) December 4, 2017
So many times...
Some good ones here! But do any top Garlic Bread?
We don't think so... Better luck next time Twitter!