We aren't sure why, but we millennials cop a bit flack.
We're too narcissistic... too addicted to our smartphones... and our love of avocados is totally unreasonable.
So how do we change the way we're seen by the other generations?
New Year's Resolutions of course! They always work, right?
So as 2018 creeps ever closer, Millennials have taken to Twitter to let the world know their intentions for change in the new year.
(These are just a bit of fun)
Limit my "I'm a vegan" announcements to three times a day.
— Kerry Waysman (@KerryWaysman) December 15, 2017
Looking up from my phone 30 seconds every day. #MillennialNewYearResolutions
— Alan Rhodes (@Protogenes1) December 15, 2017
I will continue to save my parents from suffering the pain of empty nest syndrome. You're welcome Mom &/or Dad. #MillennialNewYearResolutions
— Pat Mac McKenzie (@pat_4291_mac) December 16, 2017
Get my own Netflix account— Better N8 Than Lever ? (@NateC2112) December 15, 2017
Work to stop Boomers from polluting and otherwise ruining the planet. #MillennialNewYearResolutions
— Larry Bovino (@larrybo80) December 16, 2017
Run for office so these damned baby boomers will quit ruining our country#MillennialNewYearResolutions
— Poli Sci Bitches (@poliscibitches) December 17, 2017
#MillennialNewYearResolutions To open my own vape friendly brewery. I'll call it Vape N Ale.
— Kurt Brown (@KurtBrownTown) December 15, 2017
#MillennialNewYearResolutions don't let the existential dread and crippling debt kill you so you can ride shiny and chrome after the nukes drop in 2018
— Danielle Ryan ? (@danirat) December 15, 2017
resolution ? like 1920x1080 which is a resolution with 16:9 aspect ratio ?— Andrew (@_A_n_d_r_e_w_s) December 15, 2017
Drop the fidget spinners and resort to black coffee.#MillennialNewYearResolutions
— Daniel Hopkins (@IamDHop) December 15, 2017
Drink more fruity craft beer— ??Canadian Eh!?? (@livewire3791) December 16, 2017