Influenza B Yamagata has accounted for 60%-70% of confirmed flu cases in Ireland so far.
While focus has been on the deadly Aussie Flu, Yamagata or' Japanese flu' has been silently spreading across the Country.
Yamagata is a subtype of Influenza B, while Aussie flu is type A.
This means that anyone who has been vaccinated against the Aussie Flu isn't protected from the Japanese Flu.
Dr Ben Coyle, the Medical Director from the Now Healthcare Group says it's generally more mild than A strains.
Speaking to the Expresss UK he said: “Yamagata also tends to affect mainly children and is much more contagious as a result because children spread viruses more easily than adults.''
Management is the usual - washing hands, covering mouth when coughing/sneezing, avoiding the at-risk, and using over the counter medicines like paracetamol for fever and other symptoms.”
Aussie Flu update
Meanwhile the Aussie Flu still continues to cause havoc around Ireland.
Below you can see a hot spot of the areas most affected by the virus around the Country, from the HSE.

If you live in any of the heavily affected areas, please exercise caution and stay at home if you're exhibiting any flu like symptoms.
Those symptoms include:
- A sudden fever - a temperature of 38C or above
- Aching body
- Feeling tired or exhausted
- Dry, chesty cough
- Sore throat
- Headache
- Difficulty sleeping
- Loss of appetite
- Diarrhoea or tummy pain
- Nausea and being sick