An Irish student living in Lon...


An Irish student living in London has set up a GoFundMe page for Christmas pints

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

04:40 30 Nov 2017

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Tina is on the hunt for funds. Source:

If you ever went to Uni I'm sure you can relate to Tina Rainey.

She's an Irish lass studying in London, and her bank account currently holds a cool £30.

While the student life can be enjoyable, it's certainly hard to keep the funds up.

Craving a bit of craic this Christmas, Tina has taken matters into her own hands...

The English/Film student has started her own GoFundMe page so she can enjoy a few pints this Christmas.

On the page Tina has written: ''Whoever said mo money mo problems obviously had money. Help your favourite poverty stricken angel fund merry seshmas & spread buckets ( or pitchers) of Christmas cheer! Fa la la la la la ka ching''

Speaking to UK website 'The Tab King's', Tina said: "I set up the page because I spent all my money on Christmas presents (and non Christmas seshes) and have roughly £30 to survive the next few weeks of uni, and all the alcohol I need to buy.''

"Keep in mind I'm Irish, so I need more to fill me."

If you want to donate to Tina's 'Seshmas' cause, you can do that here!

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