Under the Influenza: Driving w...


Under the Influenza: Driving while sick can be as bad as driving drunk

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

04:00 3 Jan 2018

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Getting behind the wheel while ill may make you a hazard on the road.

Think you're coming down with something? It might be best put the car keys away...

According to research conducted by Cardiff Univeristy's Common Cold Centre, our concentration while driving can drop by more than 50% when suffering from a bad cold or the flu.

That's the equivalent of around four double whiskies!

And there's no way you'd consider jumping behind the wheel after drinking that much...

Professor Russell Foster, a neuroscientist at Oxford University told the Daily Mail:

‘'Driving requires our full concentration. If there’s an underlying health issue, that can be seriously — and dangerously — compromised.''

So if you're struck by sickness this season, you've got the green light to stay wrapped up on the couch!

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