Ice, snow and severe cold... W...


Ice, snow and severe cold... We're in for a rough few days.

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

10:08 23 Nov 2017

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The temperature is set to drop as low as minus-three...

The words 'severe' and 'cold' aren't two that you want to see together...

Unfortunately that's exactly what's going to hit us over the coming days... According to Met Éireann.

''Very cold tonight with frost setting in early, becoming severe as the night progresses, with icy roads,'' the National Forecaster wrote on it's website.

As a result, drivers have been urged to take care on the roads this evening, as conditions will be icy.

There's even set to be snow in hilly areas of Northern Counties.

So we're set to shiver through the next few nights, but how are the days looking?

Not much better I'm afraid.

The Met says it  won't get warmer than eight-degrees tomorrow.

While we can expect something in the range of 5 to 8 C on Saturday, with a low of minus-two overnight.

To's gonna be cold. Damn cold.

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