Eight donkeys were just jailed...


Eight donkeys were just jailed in India...weird.

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

12:47 28 Nov 2017

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(Picture: CEN)

They made total asses of themselves...

So Eight-Donkey's were just imprisoned over in India...

You're probably wondering why?

For eating around €6500 worth of flowers outside of a prison of course...

The crime occurred in the Northern State of Uttar Pradesh.

Head officer of the prison R.K. Mishra told the media: ‘These donkeys had destroyed some very expensive plants which our senior officer had arranged for planting inside (sic) jail.''

‘Despite warnings the owner let loose his animals so we detained the donkeys.’

Good, they're clearly a danger to flower beds everywhere.

One person they forgot to tell  about the imprisonment was the Donkey's owner, who spent hours searching for his four-legged friends.

Don't worry, the mischievous flower eating eight have been released on bail and are reunited with their owner.

Now lets just hope they stay away from the garden, can't have them breaking their parole now.


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