The €39-Million Euromillions w...


The €39-Million Euromillions winners have come forward

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

03:54 2 Jan 2018

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Safe to say they're having a fairly successful year so far...

As the rest of us try to muster the courage to commence our New Year's Resolutions, some lucky punters in Dublin have just gone and won themselves 39-million Euros...


The draw took place on December 29th, and until a few hours ago no winner had been identified.

However the lucky winners recently contacted Lotto Headquarters and told staff: "We have the golden ticket."

And what a Golden Ticket it is.

39-Million... You could just buy someone to take care of your resolutions for you...

Oh and in case you were wondering, the winning numbers were:  04,08,22,23,48 and Lucky Stars: 01,12.

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