Now this is taking the Jingle Bell rock to the next level...
Despite objections from local residents and Gardaí, The Limelight Nightclub in Glenties Co. Donegal will open its doors on what is essentially Christmas night.
A local judge has granted special permission to the popular nightspot allowing it to open its doors exactly one minute past midnight on St. Stephen's day, until 2:30am.
The call has upset some, who think businesses should remain closed on St. Stephen's Day, in keeping with tradition.
However many have welcomed the ruling, with hundreds of festive party-goers set to converge on the club.
The judge responsible for the ruling said The Limelight had a very good record and was well-managed and granted the exemption with several conditions.
These include:
- The event was not to be advertised other than word of mouth.
- A total of 16 security staff be employed.
- Three of these be dedicated to guard the three houses beside the nightclub on the evening.
How do you feel about the club opening?
Not a big deal? Or should St. Stephen's Day be left alone?