Study finds that humans love t...


Study finds that humans love their dogs more than other humans

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

06:26 10 Jan 2020

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A mans best friend ...literally!

It's no real surprise that two studies have found that humans love dogs more than people.

A UK medical researchers staged two fake donation campaigns. One featured a dog, and the other featured a grown human man both with the name "Harrison".

The campaign read:“Would you give 5 pounds to save Harrison from a slow, painful death?”

Obviously the dog campaign received the most donations.

According to the NY Post, another study was carried out in were a baby and a dog would compete for a human's affection.

University students were shown fake newspaper clippings of an attack on a puppy, an adult dog, a baby and a grown man.

They were then asked their level of sympathy for each victim.

The researchers said:

“Respondents were significantly less distressed when adult humans were victimized, in comparison with human babies, puppies and adult dogs.

“Only relative to the infant victim did the adult dog receive lower scores of empathy.”

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