Cost of takeaways bought for p...


Cost of takeaways bought for people in Garda custody revealed


05:34 24 Feb 2019

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There are calls for people who are brought into Garda custody to pay for their own meals.

It's after it has emerged more than €300,000  was spent last year on takeaways for people who were arrested.

New clothes are also replaced, if forensic tests need to be carried out on what the person is wearing.

Fianna Fáil spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Niall Collins, says it's a joke:

"There should be no free meals. People should, in the first instance, be made pay for their own meals while in Garda custody.

It's simply not good enough that the state is paying out €300,000 per annum, to feed people while in Garda custody, for questioning for crimes that they have possibly committed."

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Garda Niall Collins Takeaway