Also white Christmas won't be happening.
But if you love rain and overcast skies, you're in for a real treat!
Actually things really aren't that bleak.
Forecasts for the coming days suggest we're in for relatively warm temperatures, unseasonably warm in fact!
According to Met Éireann we can expect dry and breezy conditions tomorrow, with fresh and gusty southwest winds, and lows of 7 to 10 degrees.
While Christmas eve will see the mercury rise to around 10-12 degrees! Time to hit the beach? That wind is planning on sticking around too.
Come the big day though we'll be battening down the hatches! Heavy rain will affect Atlantic Counties and will then hit most Counties Nationwide. And after a mild start it will turn colder through the day.
So all in all it's not the worst Christmas forecast.
It's kind of like a bowl of vanilla ice-cream without any toppings...
We aren't overly thrilled about it, but it's better than no ice-cream at all.