A 6-Year old Boy has penned a...


A 6-Year old Boy has penned a scathing letter to Santa

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

04:16 6 Dec 2017

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Santa has been told

A Six-year old boy over in the States has let Santa know his true feelings toward him in no uncertain terms.

While most children write the North Pole requesting PlayStations and Lego kits, this lad's scathing letter will have St.Nick conducting some serious soul searching...

The letter reads:

"Dear Santa,

Santa I'm only doing this for the class. I know your notty [Naughty] list is empty.

And your good list is emty [Empty].

And your life is emty [Empty].

You don't know the troubles I've had in my life.

Good bye.


I'm not telling you my name."

If you look closely, you can even see skulls drawn around the border of the page.

The boys Mother, NPR Reporter Sarah McCammon tweeted the hilarious note, saying: "My 6yo Santa skeptic was told to write a letter to Santa at school. So he did..."

She then explained what exact "troubles" her son was referring to in the cutting letter:

iRadio contacted Santa for a right of reply, however he declined to comment at this time.

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