Harry Potter and the large contained room, housing unknown truths.
Otherwise known as Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets... the second novel in the epic series from J.K. Rowling.
Safe to say the actual title rolls off the tongue a little easier.
However, if predictive text bots had their way, the first title would've been the name of the book we couldn't put down all those years ago.
Predictive text is always good for a chuckle, a fact not lost on Jamie Brew, former head writer at satire website Clickhole.com.
Channeling his love for awkward bot predictive text, Jamie created an algorithm based on the prose of J.K Rowling's writing...
He then had it write an entire 'Harry Potter' chapter, written solely with predictive text.
The result was... as you'd imagine, quite strange.
While it's not exactly the finest piece of literature ever produced, it did manage to produce some classic 'wtf' quotes.
Here are 10 of the best Harry Potter lines, as written by a computer:
1. The only sounds drifting from Hagrid’s hut were the disdainful shrieks of his own furniture.
2. Ron was standing there and doing a kind of frenzied tap dance.
3. He saw Harry and immediately began to eat Hermione’s family.
4. “If you two can’t clump happily I’m going to get aggressive,” confessed the reasonable Hermione.
5. To Harry, Ron was a loud, slow and soft bird. Harry did not like to think about birds.
6. Ron was going to be spiders. He just was.
7. The password was “BEEF WOMAN,” Hermione cried.
8. “I think it’s OK if you like me,” said one Death Eater. “Thank you very much,” replied the other.
9. “Not so handsome now,” thought Harry as he dipped Hermione in hot sauce.
10. Dumbledore smiled at it, and placed his hand on its head: “You are Hagrid now.”
Can you just imagine how the films would've looked if the script was written by computers?
Never change predictive text... Never change.