10-completely absurd questions...


10-completely absurd questions doctors have been asked by their patients


01:09 9 Apr 2018

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Erm... Isn't there a little thing called doctor/patient confidentiality?

Apparently not anymore!

This comes after the Doctors of Reddit took to the message board website to reveal some of the most awkward things they've ever been asked by their patients.

And some of the stuff they came out with is just absolutely hilarious, a little scary and just downright baffling!

Here are ten of best.


Off to a good start!


Well the birds and bees talk can be little awkward...


I think we've all been this 17-year old girl and one stage.


Can you imagine!


Looks like we have another case of never receiving birds and bees chat.


This one's a real head-scratcher...


Well at least she was polite!


We're fairly confident there aren't many medical journals that would be backing her sister up in a hurry.


Horrifying. Just horrifying.


And that's us done!


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