These Are Your Top Hotel Horro...

The Lift

These Are Your Top Hotel Horror Stories

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

06:56 28 Mar 2019

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Can You Top These Accommodation Horrors?

Airbnb hosts around the world have earned more than 65 BILLION dollars - since the company launched in 2008.

It says more than half a BILLION people have stayed in an Airbnb in the last eleven years.

With this in mind, Dave & Fionnuala asked for your accommodation horror stories and you delivered:

1. The Dust and Dirt (via text)

"Stayed in a hotel in Clonmel for my uncles funeral and we now call it faulty towers, the beds where slanted, we asked them to fix the heating when we were out as room was freezing we came back to find a crappy plug in heater in the room that was missing a leg and all dented, the next morning I went to make tea and found that the cups where stuck with dirt to the bottom of the wardrobe, also there were scorch marks on the lampshades beside the bed and the dust in the place would kill ya.!"


2. Murder Scene Experience (Via Whatsapp)

"Myself and my husband checked into a hotel in L.A. and later realised it was some sort of hostel. The lobby was fabulous but soon as we took the lift to our room it was like the inside of a prison. Locks all over the door, no headboard on the bed, 1920 style taps/bathroom etc. Turns out it was an old hotspot for murders back in the day and just in 2013 a girls body was found in the water tank!!!!! It was safe to say we didn't stay for breakfast!!!! Always check TripAdvisor people!!!!!

Husband never told me anything till the next morning... but my mother rang me that night not realising the time difference and stared the SHIT outta us!!!"

3. Rubbish Bags Under The Bed (Via Whatsapp)

"Stayed in a hotel in Leicester for an uncle's funeral ten years ago .. we had booked a family room .. so we were given the attic with a heap of  single beds and not enough room to swing a cat ... the bathroom window was not frosted glass and you could see straight into it from the hotel next door .. oh did i mention the window was in the shower! When we were packing to leave we were checking that we had left anything when we found 3 bags of rubbish shoved under the bed!"


4. DISGUSTANG (Via Whatsapp)

"I once stayed in a hotel and was awoken by a noise at the door I assumed someone was trying to get in so I ran to the door opened it and to my shock seen a naked girl urinating at the door, I shut the door then roared at her to f**K off."

Catch The Lift with Dave & Fionnuala - Weekdays from 2:50 pm 

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