In the summer of 2017, an iconic Irish moment was born...
The video racked up 10's of millions of views across the world and Ireland's most famous kitchen got its debut on US Television!
But the craic didn't stop there...
How we use social media through the pandemic -
Huawei unveiled research into Irish people’s changing social media behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic, revealing that more than half of Irish people spent up to 9 hours a day on their smartphones during the first lockdown of 2020 and 47% of people reported spending an increased amount of time on social media channels such as Instagram, TikTok and YouTube in particular.
YouTube star Tadhg Fleming and his dad Derry are an example of those who have embraced the TikTok trend; their hilarious life updates across social media shot them to fame around three years ago, and his content on TikTok has gained the Kerry native over 2 million followers, and now a partnership with Huawei to launch the all-new HUAWEI P Smart 2021.