The royal family has already m...


The royal family has already made a huge mistake


11:07 18 May 2018

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The build up to the wedding has been eventful to say the least

A leading expert in etiquette has said the Royal Family have made a huge blunder by not sending a member of the household to see Meghan Markle’s dad before the royal wedding.

Thomas Markle has pulled out of the highly anticipated wedding, following a testing week. He was initially critiscied for taking staged photo's with paparazzi. Before then being required to go under the knife for heart surgery, all of which played out in the public eye.

The etiquette expert in question, William Hanson, told Page Six the royal wedding fiasco that the act really sums up how the British royal household is not used to commoners marrying into the family.

He stressed that Meghan, 36, must learn how to behave from her fellow commoner and future sister-in-law, Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge.

Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge.

Mr Hanson said: “My heart bleeds for Meghan, it’s not really what she’s banked on. I do think it’s interesting, one of the issues seen this week with members of royalty marrying commoners, is that when you marry someone who has not grown up in this environment, no matter how bright and intelligent they may be, it can be disconcerting and accidents can happen.

“The royal household should have sent someone out to talk to Mr. Markle immediately and others in Meghan’s family. But that didn’t happen — and it has blown up in their faces.

“When Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge, married Prince William, the Middleton family were much more attuned to their position, what they had to do and what was expected of them.

“Prior to royalty marrying commoners, they married other royals, whether British or European, or aristocrats. These unions were often loveless and didn’t do too particularly well, but you know what to do and how to behave — it’s part of their breeding.” 

Hanson also said that former Suits actress Meghan will have been hopefully taking “princess lessons” from the Duchess of Cambridge. He adds she has already refined her public dress sense — even wearing the required pantyhose at formal events.

The Royal Wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will take place in Windsor tomorrow.

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