Report shows young people are...


Report shows young people are having way less sex...but why?!


04:47 15 Nov 2018

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Kids these days...

We've seen our fair share of recessions of late, but we never thought that a sex recession could be on the cards - but seemingly, that's the case.

A new report issued by The Atlantic in their December 2018 edition coined the phrase "sex recession", and between that and a follow-up by The Guardian, the following facts have been revealed:

  • From 1991 to 2017, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Youth Risk Behavior Survey in the U.S. found the percentage of high-school students who’d had intercourse dropped from 54 to 40 percent.
  • In the UK, between 2001 and 2012, under-45s went from having sex more than six times a month to fewer than five times.
  • Also in the US, in 1990, the average adult in the US had sex 62 times a year; in 2014, it was 54 times.
  • People now in their early 20s are two and a half times as likely to be abstinent as Gen Xers were at that age; 15 percent report having had no sex since they reached adulthood.
  • In Japan, in 2015, 43% of people aged 18 to 34 were virgins. Similar drops in sexual activity have also been noted in Australia, Finland, and the Netherlands.

Perhaps a major contributing factor to the decline is the fact that 60% of adults under the age of 35 now live without a spouse or a partner.

While one in three adults in this age range live with their parents - which is one way to kill the mood.

Access to online porn is said to maybe helped "take the edge off" actually wanting to have sex.

While a poll from the Economist/YouGov  from November 2017 found that 17% of Americans aged 18 to 29 believed that a man asking a woman out for a drink "always" or "usually" constituted sexual harassment, which may be leading to folk being actually frightened to make the first move.

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