'Rubbing stinging nettles on s...


'Rubbing stinging nettles on skin cures hay fever,' strange man swears.


01:58 12 Jun 2018

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A man named Goran Pavlovic says he hasn't suffered from hay fever in three years... All thanks stinging himself with nettles - intentionally.

Hay fever... ruins the Summer months for so many... making the fun-months the absolute bane of their existence, instead of the joyous time it should be.

But a man now claims to have found ultimate cure for the pesky summer affliction, however... it's not without its drawbacks.

His sure-fire way to rid yourself of the Summer-sniffles? Nettles.

Yes, those nettles - The 'make you jump 10-metres in the air when you accidentally touch them' nettles.

Goran Pavlovic is the man making the bold claims, and he says he hasn't suffered from hay fever in three years because he stings himself with nettles, according to RSVP Live.

Taking to Facebook to share his experience, Goran said: "All my life I suffered from hay fever. I pretty much chocked to death every summer.

"Then, few years ago, an old man (crazy old man according to my wife) told me to try nettles.

"Basically, as soon as the spring starts, he told me, and the first nettles sprout out, pick a bunch and sting myself with them.

"Do that once a week until the end of autumn. Apparently this would make my immune system concentrate on nettles and forget about the pollen...To my wife's horror and the amusement of the fellow walkers in parks and forests, I soon started the "therapy".

"This is my hand in the nettles bush. And lo and behold it worked...I haven't had any problems with pollen for 3 years now.

"So there you have it. Just wanted to share with you my experience. Just in case someone is interested in use of herbs for medicinal purposes...

"And as the law requires, here is the disclaimer: don't do this at home."

We would certainly like to reiterate that statement, DON'T do this at home!

Thanks for the tip and all Goran... but we just might stick to the Pharmacy for our Hay Fever treatments... Cheers.

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Hay Fever Nettle