Proof of alien life? NASA find...


Proof of alien life? NASA finds mysterious ancient material on Mars


12:27 8 Jun 2018

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Scientists have called the finding a 'significant breakthrough'

A NASA robot has found what has been described as potential 'building blocks for life' on Mars.

The major announcement came yesterday at around 6pm, and it's been described as a 'significant breakthrough' in the search for life outside of Earth.

So what was found?

The most complex organic matter yet from 3.5 billion-year-old rocks on the surface of the red planet, according to the US space agency.

Why is that important?

Well because finding complex organic material THAT old means there is a good chance Mars was once a habitable environment, meaning life could've flourished there, a long, long time ago.

''This is a significant breakthrough because it means there are organic materials preserved in some of the harshest environments on Mars,'' a NASA spokesperson said.

The find was discovered by the unmanned Curiosity rover which has also found seasonal variations of methane on Mars, indicating the source of the gas is likely the planet itself, or possibly its subsurface water.

NASA scientist Chris Webster confirmed that water has been found on the martian surface and has been present for "a very long time," which points strongly toward a "habitable environment".

The detection of a "repeatable identifiable methane cycle" could be a sign of active biological processes, Webster said.

What do you think? Are you convinced? Or do you need more evidence...

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