Meghan Markle's Dad reveals ho...


Meghan Markle's Dad reveals how Harry asked permission to marry his Daughter


03:23 18 Jun 2018

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We'll have to call him ''H''

Thomas Markle has revealed how Prince Harry asked his permission to marry his Daughter on UK TV show Good Morning Britain earlier this morning.

The Duchess' Dad, also told viewers of the moment Meghan gradually introduced Harry to him over a series of phone calls.

“The first phone calls were, ‘Daddy, I have a new boyfriend, and I said, ‘That’s really nice,’ and the next call was, ‘He’s British,’ and I said, ‘That’s really nice,’ and eventually the third time around was, ‘He’s a prince,’ and at that point she said, ‘It’s Harry,’ and I said, ‘Oh Harry. OK.’ ‘Of course, we’ll have to call him “H” so no one knows we’re talking about Harry,’' Thomas said.

He then told about how Prince Harry asking for permission to marry the now-Duchess of Sussex.

“Actually, Meghan told me first…then the few times after that, Harry got on the phone with Meghan, they called me together, and Harry asked for her hand over the phone and I said, ‘You’re a gentleman. Promise me you’ll never raise your hand against my daughter, and of course I give you my permission,” Thomas continued.

And the rest, they say is history!

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Meghan And Harry