Elite Uni students caught in s...


Elite Uni students caught in sex-party scandal


10:35 22 Jun 2018

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Source: The Sun

An annual Oxford University drug-fuelled orgy party has raised eyebrows all over the globe

Images and details of a scandalous annual drug fueled Oxford University orgy party have created shock waves online.

The annual party, organised by the notorious Piers Gaveston Society is attended by Hundreds of Oxford University students.

Stunning scenes of debauchery have been exposed, including live sex shows and “virgins” being groped on stage, while a “drugs bar,” offered illegal substances, at the remote Oxfordshire field.

Investigators from The Sun watched as dozens of party goers in stockings and suspenders descended on tents.

Speaking to The Sun, one attendee said: “There was a lot of spanking — couples turning into foursomes and fivesomes. There were so many girls who were totally naked.”

“During the sex show, they asked for a ‘virgin’ from the audience and brought people up. There was some whipping on stage from the committee members.

“Ultimately, a whole group of them were kissing. Some were fully naked, fondling and groping.

“Then they burned a wicker man outside. The whole thing was so paganistic.”

The layout of the scandalous party. Source: The Sun

Local outrage

However, locals were outraged to see the half-naked students in the street as they waited for the party buses.

One told the Sun: “What this lot do in their own time and place is up to them, but it’s some cheek to invade pleasant residential roads for it.”

“Nobody wants to see breasts and back ends hanging out and men dressed in drag — especially young kids. There’s no respect. A complete disregard for anyone else.”

Another added: “I asked one chap what he was doing taking his trousers off on my property. He laughed it off but I didn’t find it funny in the slightest.”

University officials last night warned they would punish any ­students at the party caught breaking the law.

A spokesman said: “This event is not authorised or approved by the university. It has undermined our good work for far too long and we want to see an end to it.

“Drug use and dealing are banned by the university.

“We also take a zero-tolerance approach to any form of sexual harassment or bullying. We want to investigate. Anyone guilty of an offence can expect the toughest university sanctions, including possible expulsion.

“We share the disgust Oxford residents feel for what they’ve seen — as will the decent, hardworking majority of our students.”

It's not known what, if any punishment awaits the students who attended the event.

Students attending the scandalous event: Source: The Sun

This story originally appeared in The Sun.

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