Criticism over proposed change...


Criticism over proposed changes to Irish driving penalties


04:57 11 Dec 2018

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Proposed changes include heftier fines for speeding and new speed limits on the M50.

It may be another week before legislation for new speeding fines is brought before the Government, with criticism already surfacing over the planned changes, reports breaking

Minister for Transport Shane Ross has prepared a memo on the proposals which would see higher fines and penalty points the more above the speed limit a motorist was travelling.

It's understood the proposals extend from two penalty points and a €80 fine for being caught 10kph over the limit to six penalty points and a €200 fine for being 30kph over the limit.

Other changes are thought to include a varying a speed limit on the M50 to better manage traffic flow, and a €80 fine and automatic penalty points for any driver who does not have their licence to hand if they are pulled over by Gardaí.

However, Director of Consumer Affairs for AA Ireland, Conor Faughnan argued while the new proposals were good in principle, the focus should instead be on enforcing existing laws.

"The Irish statute book is as tough as anything on the planet," he said. "When it comes to enforcing the laws we are dreadful."

He claimed it was "debatable" whether the proposals, if made law, would have a deterrent effect, adding: "We have probably pushed that envelope as far as we can."

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