''We need more people like this in the world!''
A mother has shared a story that will give you faith in the future of humanity, after a teenage boy helped her young daughter during the unfortunate event of getting her period on the school bus.
Taking to facebook, the girl’s mother shared that a boy in the year above her daughter alerted the girl to a stain on her clothing and then gave her his own sweater to tie around her waist so she could get off the bus.
In the post the girl’s mother explained that the boy “pulled her aside and whispered in her ear that she had a stain on the back of her pants and gave her his sweater to tie around her waist so she could walk home off of the bus.”
After the teen’s gesture, the girl explained her embarrassment.
“I have sisters, it’s all good” he said.
The post continued to read: “If you are this boy’s Mom... I want to say thank you and that you are raising him right!!”
A Reddit user shared the mother’s grateful post that has since had almost 200,000 shares and hundreds of comments praising the young boy and his parents.
Social media users have gone wild for this young man’s act of kindness with one Reddit user writing: “We need more people like this in the world! Good on him for looking out for others.”
And another sharing: “This is how we should raise our sons and daughters.”
The mother ended her post by stating: “We hear so many bad things about today’s youth, and I wanted to share something positive!”