Always late to work? We've got...


Always late to work? We've got bad news for you...


11:03 29 Nov 2018

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According to a survey, nearly half of Irish workers resent people who are always late.

According to a new survey conducted by, 46% of workers feel resentful of a colleague who is consistently late for work.

Apparently those who are always late create animosity in the workplace and it's detrimental to workplace morale... somehow.

The most common reasons for being tardy?

  • Heavy traffic (59%),
  • Oversleeping (33%)
  • Weather (26%)

Speaking on the results of the survey, General Manager Chris Paye said: "To address lateness in the workplace, each employer must attempt to understand the core reasons why their employees are not arriving to work on time.

"There is no one-size-fits-all solution, and every lateness policy should cater to the needs of each individual workforce in order to be effective.

"The importance of implementation of clear and precise policies in the workplace on matters like lateness ensures that everyone is aware of the expectations of their employer, reducing conflict and creating a harmonious and productive work environment."

However it's not all bad news if you're always running a little behind schedule!

Another study suggests that those who are constantly behind the bell are more successful and are healthier than those who stick to rigid schedules.

People who are late typically feel less stressed, unconcerned with deadlines, and generally more relaxed. That can lead to lower blood pressure, lower risks of heart disease, greater cardiovascular health, lower risk of stroke, and lower chance of depression, all of which can prolong life.

So don't feel so bad about hitting snooze!

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