Santy was so good to us!
As we get closer and closer to the festive season, the mad rush for Christmas toys is beginning.
Especially with Black Friday on the cards tomorrow.
Tablets, game systems and smartphones are must have items for today's youngsters.
But back when we were coming through in the 80s, 90s and early 00s things weren't so fancy, we were people of simpler tastes.
So before all the Black Friday mayhem begins, let us cast our minds back to Christmases past, when all we wanted was…
1. Mr Frosty
If you had one of these... childhood complete, right?!
2. Subbuteo
Nothing like the feeling of the ball in the back of the net!
3. My Little Pony Castle
Back then it seemed like the size of an actual real life castle.
4. Playstation
The holy grail!
5. Gameboy Colour
Holy grail #2
6. Tamogotchi
Not only did this give us our first sense of caring for something, it also taught us about loss. Because they always inevitably died.
7. Furby
They got annoying after a while but they were cute and actually picked up phrases you used.
When they came out with one of your key phrases without warning, laughter inevitably ensued.
8. Rollerblades
Scraped knees, races, sore feet... But oh so worth it!
9. Baby Born
The first really realistic doll – before they got TOO realistic. Most little girls wanted one of these.
10. Buzz Lightyear
3…2…1…CHRISTMAS IS GO! Or it was when you unwrapped this amazing fortress. I still have mine in the attic and wouldn’t dream of throwing it away