UK primary school tells teache...

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UK primary school tells teachers to stop calling pupils 'boys and girls'

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

05:53 3 May 2019

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A UK primary school has made headlines after it reportedly asked it's teachers to stop referring to it's pupils as boys and girls. 

Instead, the school is calling for the use of gender neutral terms for the benefit of kids who are confused about their gender.

Director of children and learning at Southend Council, Brin Martin, says the move from Leigh North primary in Essex is a positive one.

He said: “Celebrating difference encourages children and young people to respect diversity. It’s not about changing them," the Sun reports.

But the school's head teacher, Ant Hautler, admitted: “The letter has been spread around and has angered the community.”

It comes as a letter, reportedly by an outraged parent, was sent to locals branding the move as "indoctrination".

It read: “This removes every child at the school’s gender and causes confusion in children who otherwise would be perfectly happy.

"Where will it lead? Mixed-sex toilets? Mixed changing areas — which is indecent?”

However Sidonie Bertrand-Shelton, of LGBT group Stonewall, argued: “It’s vital to create school environments where all children can reach their full potential.”

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