The Green Party is facing accu...

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The Green Party is facing accusations of putting the environment before rural communities

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

04:30 30 Apr 2023

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A new rural political party could be created because of this

Source: @EamonRyan on Twitter

The Green Party is defending against claims that it has abandoned rural Ireland.

It emerged this week that Independent Roscommon-Galway TD Michael Fitzmaurice is spear-heading plans for a new rural political party.

He claims uncertainty around the future of farming is putting entire rural communities at risk.

He says farming must be protected, "14 billion comes out of our agricultural sector and is generated for this culture and we were damn glad of it in 2009 and 2010 when the country hit a wall. 

"And I'm all for sustainability, we need to make sure we do that well. But on top of that we need to make sure we have farmers that know where they are going."

But Senator Róisín Garvey, the Greens' spokesperson on rural development, says it's unfair to suggest they've done nothing:

"Look at the rural digi-hubs, solar and acre schemes. We have a new local link service every week in Ireland, for this year and last year. The derelict and vacant homes grant, that's been a massive thing, we've had 90 of them in Clare alone.

"I just don't think it's fair to say the government haven't been doing anything for communities."

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