Anti-vegan protesters fined fo...

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Anti-vegan protesters fined for eating raw squirrels in public

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

05:26 26 Jul 2019

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A pair of anti-vegan protesters have been fined after they ate chunks of raw squirrel at a food market in London.

Deonisy Khlebnikov, 22, and Gatis Lagzdins, 29, bit into the fur covered dead animals in the full sight diners including young children, outside a vegan stall in Soho.

The pair were asked to stop by onlookers, including the parent of an upset child, but continued their protest at the Soho Vegan Food Market in Rupert Street on 30 March, the Crown Prosecution Service said.

They were both found guilty of a public order offence at City of London Magistrates' Court.

Senior CPS prosecutor Natalie Clines said: "Deonisy Khlebnikov and Gatis Lagzdins claimed they were against veganism and were raising awareness about the dangers of not eating meat when they publicly consumed raw squirrels.

"But by choosing to do this outside a vegan food stall and continuing with their disgusting and unnecessary behaviour despite requests to stop, including from a parent whose child was upset by their actions, the prosecution was able to demonstrate that they had planned and intended to cause distress to the public.

"Their pre-meditated actions caused significant distress to members of the public, including young children."

Khlebnikov, from Westminster, was fined £200 plus costs and a surcharge, while Lagzdins, from Ealing, west London, who did not attend the hearing, was fined £400 plus costs and a surcharge.

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