Some parts of the country are...

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Some parts of the country are waking up to snow this morning.

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

09:24 1 Mar 2024

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There's a status yellow warning for ice and snow for counties Donegal, Cavan, Monaghan, Kildare, Longford, Westmeath and Leitrim.

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Meanwhile, there's a status yellow rain warning for Dublin, Louth, Meath and Wicklow, although snow has been falling in those counties too.

There are school closures in places  and travel advisories have been issued in some parts of the country.

Alan O'Reilly from Carlow Weather says if you're in one of the affected areas then don't venture out unless you have to.

'The biggest problems for motorist really are the changing conditions from one area to another so as your driving along your destination could be very different from where you started off and as your driving you may well comes across lying snow and there is some areas where people are waking up to lying snow and if you don't need to travel with heavy snow on the ground then it's best to stay at home.'

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