Ryanair attendant and her girl...

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Ryanair attendant and her girlfriend bashed for refusing to kiss for gang of men

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

11:42 7 Jun 2019

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Melania Geymonat. Source: Facebook.

''I felt blood, I was bleeding all over my clothes and all over the floor.''

A lesbian couple have posted pictures of themselves covered in blood after a gang of thugs bashed them for not kissing for their entertainment, reports The Sun

The disturbing images show Ryanair flight attendant Melania Geymonat and her girlfriend covered in blood and bruises after they were savagely attacked by a gang of men  — because they refused to kiss for their entertainment on a London bus (images can be viewed here).

28-year-old Melania from Uruguay, was on the bus with her American girlfriend Chris after an evening out in West Hampstead on May 30.

However a gang of young men behind them saw they were a couple and started to demand they kiss while making crude sexual gestures.

“They wanted us to kiss so they could watch us,” she said.

“I tried to defuse the situation as I’m not a confrontational person, telling them to please leave us alone as Chris wasn’t feeling well.”

The men, who were in their 20s or 30s, began throwing things and the couple told them to stop.

“The next thing I remember was Chris in the middle of them and they were beating her,” Ms Geymonat said.

“I didn’t think about it and went in. I was pulling her back and trying to defend her so they started beating me up.

“I don’t even know if I was knocked unconscious.

“I felt blood, I was bleeding all over my clothes and all over the floor.

“We went downstairs and the police were there.”

The attackers also robbed the couple before fleeing the bus.

She said there were at least four of them and one spoke Spanish while the others had a British accent.

London Metropolitan police are investigating the incident. 

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