The Residential Tenancies Board (RTB) has published the figures.
Over €300,000 in overcharged rent has been returned to tenants by landlords since 2019.
The rents in these cases have now been reset to amounts in compliance with the legislation.
It's to prevent these, and any future tenants, from being overcharged again.
While almost €38,000 in sanctions has been paid by landlords to date as a result of the RTB’s investigation activities in the past three years.

Over 90% of published sanctions for improper conduct are for breaches of Rent Pressure Zone (RPZ) limits on rents.
RPZs are designated areas where rents cannot exceed general inflation (more info on
A further nine sanctions imposed on landlords for improper conduct have been published on the RTB website today.
Meanwhile, the RTB is reminding landlords that they're legally obliged to register tenancies with the RTB.
In 2019, RTB was granted regulatory powers to investigate and sanction landlords who have breached certain aspects of rental legislation
Thirty-eight sanctions have been published in total to date.
A dedicated webpage where all sanctions are published is available here.