Penalties imposed on Applus to...

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Penalties imposed on Applus to cut backlog for NCT tests

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

02:37 13 May 2023

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There's still a six month wait for NCT tests...

NCT car mechanic nct

Penalties are being imposed on the NCT provider Applus - in a bid to cut the backlog for NCT tests.

Some motorists have been issued January next year as the earliest available date for their NCT, despite promises that things would improve by the end of this month.

Gardai say they're aware of the delays and are taking that into consideration when checking motorists' NCT discs.

Minister of State for Transport, Jack Chambers says anyone given a long wait-time should contact the NCT directly, to be put on a 'priority waiting list':

'We've instructed the RSA to impose penalties and they've triggered the contract mechanisms to impose penalties in Applus for these unacceptable delays.'

'I would encourage people that are receiving appointments with longer wait times to contact the NCT directly.' 


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