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"Swing-Gate" TD Maria Bailey Will Have To Meet The Taoiseach In The Next Few Days


06:20 28 May 2019

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Maria Bailey has been at the centre of controversy since last week.

Bailey (Source: @MariaBaileyFG/Twitter)

Taoiseach Leo Varadkar is to have a meeting with TD Maria Bailey in the coming days to discuss her future in the party.

The deputy at the centre of 'Swing-Gate' is likely to face some punishment from Fine Gael headquarters, following an interview she did on RTÉ Radio defending her initial decision to sue a hotel in Dublin, after she fell off a swing at the venue.

She could lose her role as Chair of the Oireachtas Housing Committee or face further sanction.

The Taoiseach says he will discuss the situation with her.

"I'd like to have that meeting and hear her story. I'm not going to ask her questions through the media, I'll do that when I meet her during the week and that's the appropriate thing to do."

Maria Bailey Taoiseach Leo Varadkar. (Source: @leovaradkar/Twitter)

A number of Maria Bailey's party colleagues have criticised her for the comments she made in the Today with Seán O'Rourke interview, including Health Minister Simon Harris and Justice Minister Charlie Flanagan.

Meanwhile Business Minister Heather Humphreys has said a compensation culture is affecting businesses:

"There's a culture in this country that says when you have an accident it's everyone's fault except your own and that applies to the play-yard as well...Many [businesses] feel that they are being punished for this compensation culture and my view on this is very simple.  People need to have some common sense and they need to be responsible for their own personal safety.  If you trip or you fall you have to ask yourself why it happened and more often than not the answer is because of your own carelessness."

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