Parents spend 1-5 hours a week...

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Parents spend 1-5 hours a week driving their kids around

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

11:31 17 Jun 2023

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39 per cent spend six hours or more driving their children around.



85 per cent of parents say their older children are heavily reliant on the Taxi of Mum and Dad.

Figures contained in a Bus Éireann Expressway survey reveal most parents spend between one and five hours per week driving their 16-24 year old children around, with 39 per cent spending six hours or more.

The survey found that 40 per cent of parents like getting to spend time with their children, when travelling.

Chief Commercial Officer Eleanor Farrell says there are more reasons now than ever for young people using public transport:

'We were suprised to see the number of parents who spend over six hours bringing children who are 16-24 places in cars.'

'Most parents spend 1-5 hours transporting children to events and activities.'

However, according to a CSO survey over three quarter of over 18's have a driving licence

Six in every ten (60%) females aged 18 to 24 years do not hold a current driving licence for a car.

Just under 51% of men in this age group also do not obtain a drivers licence.


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