Irishman Keith Byrne has been...

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Irishman Keith Byrne has been released from prison in the US

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

03:28 25 Jul 2019

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His family are hopeful he'll return to them as soon as today.

Irishman Keith Byrne is set to return home today after he had his deportation order frozen following an order by a United States federal judge.

The Cork man was arrested by immigration officials two weeks ago for overstaying his visa when he entered the country in 2007.

Mr Byrne's family are hopeful he will be home by the end of today.

Mr Byrne's immigration lawyer Thomas Griffin says Keith's immigration battle is not over yet, but for now he is free to work and live in the United States.

"He [the judge] said I'm freeing him for the temporary period to make his case while he's home in the federal court that is closet to his house and how that plays out is out of my control," said Mr Griffin.

"He [Mr Byrne] may end up deported at the end of the hearing if we lose during this temporary stay and release.

"The whole purpose of it is so he can make his case one more time."

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