Irish School To Introduce Gend...

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Irish School To Introduce Gender Neutral Uniforms


11:47 20 Jun 2019

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A school in Co. Wicklow has announced that its students will be allowed to wear gender neutral uniforms.

gender neutral (Source: Flickr)

Up to now, policy at St Brigid's National School in Greystones meant girls wore a green tartan school pinafore, while boys wore grey trousers and a green jumper.

However under new plans seen by the Irish Times, boys will now be able to wear skirts and girls will be able to wear trousers.

The change in policy will come into effect from September, while gender-neutral toilets are also set to be introduced.

Communications manager with BeLongTo Youth Services Sinead Keane has told iRadio that it is a great move for children who have gender identity issues:

"We really welcome this news from St. Brigid's National School in Wicklow today.  Adapting school policies such as bathroom and uniform policies is a really positive step to include trans students.  Students should be allowed to wear a uniform that's consistent with their gender identity."

The school says it is aiming to make children with gender-identity concerns feel happy and accepted at school.

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