Thousands Raised To Fund Meals...

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Thousands Raised To Fund Meals For Healthcare Workers

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

12:12 16 Mar 2020

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People have been showing their support for an online fundraiser to keep healthcare workers fed.

healthcare (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

An online fundraiser has been set up to cover the cost of meals for hard-working healthcare staff as they deal with the coronavirus outbreak.

At the time of writing, more than €38,000 had been donated to the "Feed the Heroes" GoFundMe page.

Campaign organisers are using food suppliers in different areas to send food regularly to healthcare workers.

The likes of pizza, Thai and Indian food has already been sent out to hospitals across the country.

Many businesses are also doing their bit to support frontline workers, as Supermac's announced it would give free meals to emergency services workers at its branches across the country.

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Fundraiser GoFundMe Healthcare Meals