Might be time to look at our food waste habits.
Irish people waste an average of €10 of food per week.
That's according to a new report from anti food waste app Too Good To Go.
It's a global app looking to make a real impact on the issue of food waste.
It's also found that 26 percent of people who waste food throw out about a kilo each week.
Two thirds of people freeze food to keep it for longer, and 60 percent use a list while shopping to reduce waste.
A recent study by UCC found that people are less likely to waste food if they do their shopping online.
It comes down to planning - in general when you buy your food shop online you have a set meal plan for the week.
While if you buy spontaneously in store you may be more likely to waste food.
The Irish Times reported that globally more than one-quarter of all food produced is wasted.
While the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which runs campaigns to stop food waste (stopfoodwaste.ie), states that an average Irish household bins between €400 and €1,000 worth of food each year.
And the most common foods to be thrown out include bread, vegetables, fruit and salad.
With the most likely reason for us to throw out food being sell by, best before or use by dates.
Too Good To Go has saved 107.1 million meals all over the world since 2016.
The app breaks down information to do with waste including what makes something waste and where food goes once it's thrown out.
They're trying to work with households, schools and businesses to help reduce the amount of food we waste.