Gardaí investigate report of a...

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Gardaí investigate report of attack on young girl by three older boys

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

05:22 16 Jul 2019

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An garda investigation is underway into an incident involving a young girl and three older boys.

Gardaí say they can't confirm the nature of the incident, or the location, due to the young ages of the parties involved.

A formal complaint has been made to gardaí by the alleged victim, about what occurred at the end of June.

RTE is reporting that the girl was hit with a stick after she went to a shed in a derelict house with them.

According to the national broadcaster Gardaí have confirmed that the Divisional Protective Services Unit are investigating the incident and will interview all four children.

The case has also been referred to Tusla who will assess if there is a child protection issue

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