Ryanair calls on DAA to use ow...

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Ryanair calls on DAA to use own land for temporary parking

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

11:45 9 Jun 2023

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(Source: Twitter @DublinAirport)

Ryanair is calling on Dublin Airport Authority to use its own land for temporary car parking.

The airline says this would ease current parking pressure, and keep costs low for customers.

The DAA is attempting to purchase a now defunct 6-thousand space car park, on the Swords Road - but regulatory approval is needed.

Ryanair says the DAA is putting pressure on the consumer authority to approve what it calls a "monopoly" grab - because of the parking shortages.

Eddie Wilson, Chief Executive of Ryanair, says it's one issue after another at the airport:

"The issue here is how an airport is being run and how we have one crisis from year to year.

"Security is fixed this year but it's not up to me to run the airport, they should be running the airport and they should have the foresight to know that it should be full recovered and guess what, here's a surprise, people drive to the airport and they're going to need a car parking space."

Saksan terveysministeri Karl Lauterbach julkaisi Twitter-sivuillaan kuvan mielenosoitusmarssista hänen toimistonsa edessä Berliinissä, jossa näkyy satoja valkoisiin takkeihin pukeutuneita ihmisiä, joilla on kädessään julisteita.

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