19 dogs rescued from a propert...

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19 dogs rescued from a property in County Meath

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

03:20 26 Aug 2019

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Two of the dogs are heavily pregnant.

19 dogs including six puppies have been rescued from a property in County Meath.

The ISPCA has taken 13 adult pointer dogs, along with the puppies, into its care. Two of the dogs are heavily pregnant, five had eye issues requiring corrective surgery and are currently recovering, others are described as nervous, and some are reported to be in good health.

ISPCA Inspector Elaine Reynolds said:

“What began three years ago when two stray dogs arrived at a property quickly escalated into a situation that got out of control due to the lack of neutering or spaying.

"The dogs continued to breed and the owner was unable to cope with nineteen animals and more puppies on the way so, when the ISPCA got involved, we stepped in to prevent the dogs and puppies suffering.

“It is absolutely crucial that pet owners’ play their part by spaying or neutering their pets and this will go a long way in preventing unwanted litters of puppies from being born in the first place.

"The dogs are really sweet natured and it is great to see them coming on so well and they will make great additions to the families who adopt them”.


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