Alarming amount of Irish drive...

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Alarming amount of Irish drivers still use their phone while driving, according to survey

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

11:52 30 Jul 2019

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''Our research found that half of Irish drivers admit to keeping their phone visible while driving''.

An alarming new international survey found that  67% of Irish motorists admit to using their phone while driving.

While 45% of Irish drivers admit to multi-tasking while driving, including eating or applying makeup.

The study found that a quarter of people said that their phone is one of the biggest distractions while driving, while three in four claimed that other drivers’ behaviour on the road, including using a phone, is among the most prominent distractions they experience while driving.

The survey was conducted by Liberty Insurance Ireland and its parent company Liberty Mutual among 8,010 respondents in the US and Ireland, Spain, Portugal, France, and England.

Commenting on the survey, Sean Brett of Liberty Insurance, said: ''Our research found that half of Irish drivers admit to keeping their phone visible while driving, which is significantly higher than their peers in the UK.

''On the rare occasion when a driver may need to access their phone while behind the wheel, they should pull over to a safe location and stop the vehicle before taking out their phone.

''Finally, we would urge drivers to remain alert at all times on the road this weekend. It is estimated that the mind makes 100 decisions per mile driven.

"If you are travelling on a road you use often, a driver may zone out, putting them at greater risk of an accident or near-miss.

"Therefore, if you are aware of your concentration dipping or your mind drifting, pull over where it’s safe to do so, take a break, get out and stretch your legs, maybe have a tea or coffee," he said.

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